Citizens Advice Woking

Citizens Advice Woking provides local clients with free, confidential and independent advice to anyone who needs it, whatever their problem.

Citizens Advice Woking was originally set up to support the local community through difficulties brought about by the 1939-45 war. Today, we are again facing difficult and challenging times and it seems hard to believe that some of the problems that were brought to us back then are still as real today.

On average, we see over 6,000 people each year who come to us for help and advice on issues such as Debt, Benefits, Housing, Employment, Relationships, Education, Consumer issues and much more. In a typical day we can help anything up to 100 clients. This can be in person, by email or on the telephone. We also can visit an old or vulnerable person in their home, at a time to suit them, if they are unable to come to our offices by themselves. There is not much that you can get for free these days but we are proud that our advice services remain free, impartial, independent and confidential.

Our well-qualified volunteer team, including specialists in particular advice areas, guide clients through their problems and provide them with options. At a time when there is little money around, our costs have risen, coinciding with our services being in greater demand with increasingly complex client problems and it is a daily struggle to make ends meet. 

A common perception is that the Citizens Advice Woking is Government funded. The reality is that we are a local independent registered Charity and although we receive a grant from Woking Borough Council, by no means does it cover all the costs of providing our services and we therefore have to find a proportion of our income by Fundraising. As a local Charity, we need local funding in order to continue supporting and advising those who are unable to help themselves.

As an example of our value to Society, for every £1 invested in our service in 2021 – 22, we generated £36.63 in wider economic and social benefits (public value).

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